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.NET MAUI project structure


Project Structure

  1. Main Project Directory:

    • : This file is used for application-level resources, such as styles and themes.

    • : Contains the code-behind for the file, including the application entry point.

    • : The main page of your application, which defines the UI layout in XAML.

    • : The code-behind for MainPage.xaml, where you implement the logic for the main page.

  2. Platforms:

    • Android: Contains platform-specific code for Android, such as and

    • iOS: Contains platform-specific code for iOS, such as and

    • MacCatalyst: Contains platform-specific code for Mac Catalyst, such as and

    • WinUI: Contains platform-specific code for Windows, such as and

  3. Resources:

    • Fonts: Contains font files used in the application.

    • Images: Contains image assets used in the application.

    • Styles: Contains styles and themes used in the application.

  4. ViewModels: Contains view model classes that handle the application's logic and data binding.

  5. Views: Contains XAML files and their code-behind files for different pages and controls in the application.

  6. Models: Contains data models used in the application.

Example Project Structure

├── App.xaml
├── App.xaml.cs
├── MainPage.xaml
├── MainPage.xaml.cs
├── Platforms
│   ├── Android
│   │   ├── AndroidManifest.xml
│   │   ├── MainActivity.cs
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── iOS
│   │   ├── Info.plist
│   │   ├── AppDelegate.cs
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── MacCatalyst
│   │   ├── Info.plist
│   │   ├── AppDelegate.cs
│   │   └── ...
│   └── WinUI
│       ├── Package.appxmanifest
│       ├── App.xaml.cs
│       └── ...
├── Resources
│   ├── Fonts
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── Images
│   │   └── ...
│   └── Styles
│       └── ...
├── ViewModels
│   └── ...
├── Views
│   └── ...
└── Models
    └── ...

Key Files

  • & : Define global resources and handle application startup.

  • & : Define the main user interface and its behavior.

  • Platform-Specific Folders: Contain code and resources specific to each platform (Android, iOS, etc.).


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